Hello friends,
I’m afraid I haven’t been very good about using this new newsletter I set up—with so much going on with three releases in a year, it became one of those overwhelming things hanging over me, knowing I should post only making it harder to post (because of contractual posting obligations, not because I don’t love blathering to you all!)—and this week is especially hard to get words out.
So much has happened, good and bad—I’ve had two books (To a Darker Shore and My Kind of Trouble come out since my last, and it’s been amazing getting to share my stories with readers, but also many of you know how mixed publishing can make that experience at times, plus the last year we’ve seen more than ever how devastating our world insists on being, how much hate and violence is allowed and even supported by those we hoped would know and do better. And then this week. I’m not sure I have words still, beyond that no matter what, we will take care of each other. I wish with my entire aching heart that more of those around us felt the same, but we are here and we will hold each other up.
I’m glad I put all my words and all my rage and all my hope last time around into my books, and that they’re out there. (Especially my furious A Prayer for Vengeance, which is also coming back in in January, in a paperback with a bonus chapter told from the point of view of Acci the cat—and of course Gia stabbing her way through corrupt men in power.) I’ve heard from readers finding solace in these stories the past week, both the female rage fantasies and what one reader called my “joyfully defiant” romance. I know romance books were what saved my mental health through previous impossible years, which is why I wanted to write one, and hopefully share that support with others.
And people have been asking, so I finally dusted this newsletter off to send one last bit of a happily ever after out into the world: I’m making the bonus chapter for My Kind of Trouble available to anyone who wants it (link below). Because maybe as we struggle to process what we’re facing, we need to see libraries succeeding in their fight against book bans, and helping queer, disabled, and BIPOC kids. Plus a woman who takes down billionaire bullies who bought their way into positions of power and a man who always asks consent finding love and acceptance with each other. I hope it’s some small balm for the fight ahead.

If you follow me on Insta you may have seen all the resources I shared during September’s Banned Books Week about the current state of censorship, and you know how important these books are for people of all ages to keep making it through each day. I’m passing along info from folks about what we can do right now (curing votes and the like) and gathering together more to share, as the battle is only going to intensify, I fear, with the party of bullies and book bans empowered, with their stated plan for criminalizing any media with queer or open-door romance. We’re seeing it already, with all the reports of kids saying incredibly hateful things at schools across the country this week. Words are powerful, and we need to fight for those using them to lift up the most vulnerable.
I could ramble on far too long; it’s all so much to process. We need to take it in as we can, and be gentle with ourselves (as I promise to be with myself and stay in better touch rather than being perfectionistic about this newsletter!), and organize to take action to keep people safe and free. We’ve been here writing and shouting and fighting, and we’ll continue. I still believe in our power. And I’m here if any of you need an ear or a shoulder.

Find the My Kind of Trouble bonus chapter here (please be aware, especially if you found me through my young adult books, that MKOT is an adult romance and this bonus chapter is extremely NSFW; please only click/read if you’re okay with that. If you are—get it before it’s banned.)
Bella Ciao,